
10..The flat ocean

Good morning all, well what a night. Itchy and scratchy hell. I got a bit of sleep, we motored along all night on auto pilot with the guys taking turns at watching the monitors. I’m fed, watered and sitting here at the table. Graham has caught a little tuna this morning and the next one took his line like literally all of it off his reel. LolMy itches are still here, although the rash is still on the downslide and getting better and the itch is somewhat too. I feel a little red in my face again and numb. I do NOT want it to swell again as that would mean the cause is environmental not chemical. All I can do is sit and try not to worry about my face blowing up again. I got woken up for lunch, so just a short snooze but feel better for it. It’s also good for stretching my legs out. Moving them around. I’ve opted to stay indoors for the moment as I don’t want the sun to aggravate my skin condition. Might venture out tonight or this arvo. We stopped for a moment to check oil, fuel levels and all are good. Its been 24hrs since we set off from Gove.Graham has just popped inside and is lying across the seat across from me, holding my foot under the table. I think he missed me when I was in hospital and was worried about me. This trip so far has been an excellent growing experience for him for sure. In our boxes, that were sent, I have a few craft things, to keep me occupied.Today I’m working on the numbers and alphabet blocks for the kings cribbage quilt.. 1931 update.. Had a second snooze today not intentional but then woke up and went up on deck.. figuring it would be quite past the horrid burning stage of the sun. it was about 3:30pm.. our guest was sound asleep from his shift last night and early and so there was just me, santa and graham. The lines were out to catch a fish and they were in the shade at the very back of the boat.. We have a shower and toilet back there. Very very tiny.. I barely fit in it. But I can.. so we are sitting there chatting and just looking at the ocean and thinking I guess. There were birds working the water in patches all over the place, but where they came from I have no clue because there is no land in sight.. just the blue.. its been quite smooth .. santa said this morning was like glass and he too pics of a beautiful sunrise but of course the pics are never as good as the real thing.. I was sticky sitting out there but there was a beautiful breeze coming from the west making it bearable… we decided to try and have a shower.. lol .. so I went to the loo and got myself ready and santa got my clothes and towel .. I’m living in my nighties .. just so practicable.. and cool. So there I sit on a pillow on a milk crate, nekkid. I almost got him to take a photo … next time I will. He helped scrub me down with a body wash that was left on here, pears and its sooo soft and awesome we’ll have to buy some from now on. Feels great on my skin ..and no nasties in it like aloe vera or clorhexadine… my rash on back, front, and arms (the original) are slowly coming right, definitely not as angry looking or purple. Down to a dull pink. My fingers from the aloe are healing really well and the itch between has gone .. the last remaining itches are sides of my breasts and back … but they are only occasional now. As soon as we get to Darwin we will be washing all the bedding to make sure its not a part of the problem. It was really nice sitting out the back of the boat today, just watching the wash from the propeller… we saw some sort of yellow stuff in the water .. have no idea what it was might have to ask someone with better knowledge than i. Graham had a shower too tonight and he rather enjoyed the experience I think… and he is off to sleep now. Dave is on first shift and santa will take over when he is tired. For me I’m off to snuggle my hunny in about an hour or so ..

© 2024 JoyceM