night sky

28.. life on the sea

Did I really , call this Boat life.. maybe I should change that to life in the washing machine.. seems to be at least most afternoon it blows up and we have to find some shelter.. this wasn’t supposed to come on as early as it has.. we have cut back on the throttle
And just hang in there till we get away from the reefs between us and the shore..
Well he did find a little place to stop … still and little rocky and a tiny bit rolly… but the worst last night was the wind… was blowing a gale or so it seemed and through the tie down straps making sound like someone was blowing a horn or playing a didgeridoo..
We saw a little community in the distance on the shore, there was a little beach with some houses … a couple big ones , and 4 smaller ones… all cut into a sort of cliff face … seemed strange .. and no internet … urgh … nearly every stop we have had internet to plot the next day… so today’s waves are unknown … probably back into the washing machine for just a while we hope not too long if that is the case…
Unfortunately, I learned a valuable lesson last night … put your clothes away in the draws when they are clean … I left them on the ground and they all got wet .. it was a few days previous that I had asked keith to turn the sun down as I was trying to sleep so he put a tea towel up over the window but of course it was left in there and open a little … and well after yesterdays fun washing machine, it all came in .. gggrrrr .. all wet down there … sheesh..

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