horrible wind

Cheynes Beach

Going into Cheynes Beach .. we didn't know and could only go by navionics what underwater was like .. aparently its a surfing beach as the water breaks over the shallow entrance , so we surfed in with a dolphin escort ... we turned left to shelter behind the rocks but it was fairly shallow and so we were still in a bit of rough stuff hoping it would calm at night ... no such luck ... we had horrible night and the trip up there was long and arduous... going into the wind , and we used a heck of a lot of fuel ... so looking up windy and bom ... we decided it wasn't getting any better so we hauled anchor and started on our way back as the forcast was for worse to come... meanwhile....

a lady living in the area RJS Photographs ( on facebook) was taking pictures of us coming in and then going out .. have a look at her page if you want to see these pics .. Raeline is a very very lovely person and helped us out a lot ... Many thanks again mate ..

so back to heading out , keith thought the best option was to go between the breakers and the rocks we hid behind as there was a little channel there , so out we went had a couple of huge waves to go over and then we were clear and just the rolly sideways one or two when we turned , where Raeline comes into it is , our big yellow tackle box was dislodged from the boat and floated away and into shore where she rescued it and tryed to get a hold of us as she saw the phone number on the boat and the name ... of course we were out of range of optus and had shut off the generator so no internet ... onward we head to two peoples bay again with the wind and waves behinds us we made good time ...

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